
ESG for Technology, Technology for ESG

ESG Consulting

The tech industry has been the biggest proponent of sustainability. After all, Big Tech generates the highest returns of all ESG indices (WSJ).

This white paper outlines the relationship between ESG and technology; how technology benefits from it, and how technology can give back. Our take? By leveraging recent innovations to help the market identify fixed standards that clearly and transparently define what qualifies as sustainable and what doesn’t.

Key Points

  • The lack of standardized reporting formats and general contextual know-how for tailored ESG integration often prevent corporates from adopting holistic ESG practices.
  • Artificial intelligence allows analysts to collect and digest more information than ever before when accounting for ESG factors.
  • A perfect blend of technology and ESG co-existing in synergy would soon turn out to be the next by-word for business resilience.

To know more...


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