Gen Z and ESG: Two Forces Shaping the Future Workforce
Together, millennials and Gen Z are transforming the workforce and creating new expectations for workplace safety, health,...
How will Organizations Prioritize Employee Health and Well-being in 2023?
Every new year brings along new opportunities that enable organizations to support their employees. And in 2023, organizations...
An Experiment on Effect: How Virtual Technologies like Metaverse Transform Our Way of Life
Virtual worlds and augmented realities have captivated gamers and sci-fi fans for years. They are now becoming a part of our...
The Future of Work: The Hybrid Edition
The pandemic was an unexpected accelerator of business considerations in many vital areas. It not only offered a glimpse of...
Future of IoT - Internet of Things Trends 2022
The Internet has changed the world big-time. IoT- has been the first kickoff toward a smart world, where devices make...
55 employees prefer hybrid working Future of work 2021
Historically, organizations around the world have been unenthusiastic about letting their employees work remotely on...
200mn Daily Meeting Participants on Zoom, a Phenomenal Growth Story
Introduction Implementation of the best to way to fence the spread of covid-19 – social...